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The astronomical import crape myrtle tree collective death can not be saved will be taken to a furni
RenHui [Addtime:2012/8/13   ] Read:1074 Times  【 Fontsize:L M S

The boutique Park, two rows of 98 crape myrtle trees discrete, have all died

Crape myrtle bark dry off.

In December last year, Hefei Shushan South Gang plans to gradually introduced more than 250 hundred years old crape myrtle tree from the primeval forests of Vietnam, and each old trees of about 40 million, to arouse the public after being reported sustained attention. However, the reporter interviewed yesterday confirmed that the first batch of 98 crape myrtle tree has a collective death.

Seedling bases fine garden reporter visited the town under construction in April of this year, found that the first batch of the introduction of 98 crape myrtle tree in Hefei part dried up signs, park officials said the full treatment. After 3 months, these "high price" of old trees died why? The dead trees will be gone? Had the large-scale introduction of Hefei blind? Who old trees death "pay"? Whether the impact to the fine garden this year's schedule to open the park? Five major doubt for a time became a hot topic in public race.

The reasons for and died?

"May be too far way, protection is not in place during transport, and the overall climate, soil, and many other reasons."

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter once again came to the seedling bases in the construction of fine garden, two rows of old trees near the deserted, only a few crows established in the branches. The gardener is elsewhere structures tea superfluous recalled to reporters, not long ago, they are still busy in order to rescue old trees, old trees, but not as expected pumping sprouted. "We go over there now rarely (old trees District), and heard villagers often go pick some deadwood home."

98 crape myrtle tree in the end why and died? The reporter went to nursery stock base management - Octopus Garden office. The reporter has just revealed his identity, a person in charge immediately shut the door again. Reporters patiently knocked on their doors, the person in charge of shortness told reporters "(old trees) than we are, then they walked away the office.

According to the Hefei Shushan Forestry Water Authority's Minister Li analysis, old trees death "may be too far way, protection is not in place during transport, and the overall climate, soil, and many other reasons."

How aftermath?

Also take dead tree it can not save the proper manner; may eventually be sent to the Furniture Factory

"It (the introduction of old trees) company CEOs are not Hefei go back Changzhou, we also informed them, asking them to be able to save as much as possible to save, can not be saved, we should also dead tree properly disposed of." Minister Li said.

Shushan South Gang, a government official told reporters that the dead crape myrtle tree has handled part of the final Octopus Garden may be sent to the furniture factory.

Introduction whether blind?

Corporate behavior, government departments did not participate in the process of introducing old trees; transfer the land, basically the operation of enterprises

In fact, as early as last December, the reporter had asked the person in charge of the nursery stock base fine garden. At that time, one surnamed Wang managers told reporters, reason had decided to introduce the crape myrtle tree, consider the crape myrtle tree adaptable.

Shushan Forestry Water Authority Minister Li told reporters, nursery stock base fine garden Nangang build entirely corporate behavior, government departments did not participate in the process of introduction of old trees.

The person in charge of the government of South Gang also said thousands of acres of land in the fine garden land transfer, so basically the operation of enterprises, has nothing to do with the government.

Who will foot the bill "?

The fine garden relies entirely on self-financing operations, the Government did not vote a penny

Introduced in the "high price" of old trees behind, will not be hidden interests of the chain? Minister Li said that the fine garden relies entirely on self-financing operations, the Government did not vote penny. On the contrary, the fine garden, once completed, the government will also give enterprises 150 million in incentives.

Currently, 150 million in incentive funds already in place, the bonus incentive subsidy of the higher authorities of the city of more than three acres of various green businesses, not special treatment. "Would not affect the park opened?

"As long as this group of dead tree processing appropriate, should not affect the normal opening of the boutique Park in October."

Last December, the reporter interviewed informed of the fine garden will be free to the public around October this year, the old trees deaths not delaying the opening of the boutique Park? In this regard, Minister Li said that 98 small crape myrtle tree accounts for only park in the area, as long as the group of dead tree processing appropriate, should not affect the normal opening of the boutique Park in October.

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