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New home market demand "culture do not luxurious" concept popular
RenHui [Addtime:2012/8/20   ] Read:1400 Times  【 Fontsize:L M S

Experienced far too many "stories" of the Chinese people, from home furnishings, household consumption experience home Civilization and consumer orientation of the 1960s; discovered off the course of development, from poverty to social progress.

The seventies elderly, still remember the early days to the end of the 1960s the several boxes plus a Banchuang, backward consumption scenarios using the most primitive furniture. The end of the 1960s to the 1980s, that material shortage years to buy the "legs" of the experience is fresh. Two periods to bring us the conclusion: there is no support of material civilization, only to meet the basic needs of life, home, how can spiritual civilization? Let alone what culture.

Sixth, the seventies middle-aged, under more pressure, they have to feed their families, to improve the quality of life, but also by the housing conditions of the restrictions. With some simple household appliances into the home, smart carpenters and furniture manufacturers in advance, use a combination of furniture to expand limited space, manufacturing versatile cabinet, dresser, bookcase, desk functions; Some of them also bed set which. The historical period is very short, but after 20 years. The 1990s, a combination of multi-functional furniture soon exit the home arena or evolve into a combination Cabinet Office; evolved into a built-in wardrobe, which is the prototype of the cloakroom.

The last 10 years of the last century, in part to get rich first, household goods reflect the value of life, by furniture xuanfu "," not for the best, but for the most expensive "hey home dressed as Kara OK "style private dining room, the hotel rooms and copy the home there are some people, filled with whipped panache, bar sets the ingredients, it can be said is" a short 10 years, a deformed 10 years.

Into the 21st century, the housing industry has become an important industry of the national economy. People's living conditions and quality, regardless of the per capita living space, or property type has rapid changes have also become a household product upgrading, flourishing, contests boosters. Foreign goods to enter China to promote domestic innovation commodities into the market quickly, home industry unprecedented development. From the number of household products, to changes in consumer attitudes, people gradually focus on the combination of the aesthetic taste of home, design, style and culture, cultural literacy gradually show home culture.

Cultural household products led consumption booms

Culture is a feature unique to the human-specific marker, human society. Humans create society, but also created a culture. The home culture omnipresent, ever-present. Also said: "The culture in the home, home culture". Culture is not an abstract, aesthetic, humanities, mechanics, materials science and the perfect combination of manufacturing processes to create the home, home gave birth home culture. Home with the political system, economic development, arts and culture, and religion, folk customs, science and technology have close ties. Historical track record of household products each historical period, people's values, ethics, thought patterns, behavior patterns and aesthetics. Thousands of years of human history, and gave birth to an independent and full development potential home discipline.

As we all know, the stone does not have a culture, creating a finely crafted stone culture; small tree does not have a culture, moved into the pot bonsai culture. Home culture should be the perfect combination of material culture, arts, culture, spiritual culture.

In 2011, home of cultural consumption will be further highlighted. Related to the bathroom in the home, kitchen, restaurant, living room, den, bedroom and have put forward higher requirements for home culture. These cultural summed up is the aesthetic, dialogue, comfort, harmony, technology, innovation, integration of cultural elements in the structure and other factors, and ultimately form a perfect unity. So, to say that the 2011 household consumption the mainstream integration is full of cultural goods, furniture, lighting, fabric, cabinets, sanitary ware, handicrafts and other related products combined in a harmonious way.

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