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Overview of the pattern of the furniture industry in Guangdong from scanning the future trends
RenHui [Addtime:2012/8/20   ] Read:1372 Times  【 Fontsize:L M S

Guangdong faction furniture in the furniture industry in China is also one of the major factions, one, after so many years of rapid development, Guangdong furniture industry and explore the strategic development of the road, sui generis, leading the industry towards new generation go hand in hand with the other factions in the country. In recent years due to the pattern of competition in the market of furniture, of Guangdong furniture and even the national furniture has the adjustment of advancing with the times, to make a brief summary of the three major trends in furniture Guangdong.

The Guangdong Furniture "North drift" has become common practice

In 1998, Shunde businessman Tan Hailiang lasted two years in Xianghe, Hebei Province, has invested 2 billion, since the construction of the business area of ​​42,600 square meters in northern Guangdong Furniture City. Xianghe Furniture City Hall investments Tan Hailiang driven time, from the capital of Guangdong accounted for nearly half of the brand in the South; brand stores settled, also accounted for more than half. This about the media had commented: the "Tanhai Liang investment to become the generous the South owned northward movement a precedent, northern Guangdong Furniture City completed Xianghe become one of the most attractive of the southern capital to absorb ground."

More than ten years later, in September 2009, Tan Hailiang once again standing in the spotlight, to greet the start of the Asia Pacific Furniture Material City in Xianghe ribbon-cutting. This Tan Hailiang bring his fellow, Foshan furniture representative manufacturing companies - steven Roland president Zhou Zaipeng on jointly invest in the development of furniture Material Industrial Park. It is reported that after the completion of the Asia-Pacific City, will be the Bohai Sea region a foothold in Xianghe, relying on the Bohai Sea, radiation Asia-Pacific, facing the world gathers Asia Pacific Furniture Material headquarters cluster base, the Asia-Pacific Building Materials headquarters cluster base, the Asia-Pacific Lighting headquarters cluster base, Asia Pacific Kitchen & Bath the the headquarters cluster base four home of one of the Asia-Pacific headquarters cluster base.

By the stores and the headquarters base, Tan Hailiang advance in Xianghe market depth, can be seen as a microcosm of the furniture industry in Guangdong, the North drift "getting better. If, in the past, Guangdong Furniture North drift somewhat a wind Xiao cold water, lone hero heroic imply, then, this means that has evolved into a great tide, vying for the spectacular -

Manufacturing enterprises to take the initiative

In October this year, the same Foshan Legion representatives of children's furniture enterprises - Kingtinto, involved in the of Huazhong furniture industry park in Hubei Qianjiang severe groundbreaking work has been completed. It is the largest furniture industrial park in central China. Currently, there are from Guangdong, Hubei, more than 30 enterprises settled contract. Sichuan, Zhejiang, furniture companies are being arrange settled matters. Chairman Deng Chengxu commitment target in accordance with the construction of a high standard, modern, low-carbon industrial park and the new gathering place in the Chinese furniture industry, and strive to three years, the output value of 50 billion Huazhong furniture industrial park in five years, as the Chinese furniture industry large plate, successfully create billions Park, to solve 30,000 jobs.

A few years ago, Lacquer Furniture Group only on investment in Zhejiang Lacquer Craft Industrial Park covers an area of ​​1500 acres. The Dongguan of Hu Yaobang Furniture Group also Pizhou investment 10 billion to build 150,000 square meters of large household Expo Center and production base. In addition, Golden Phoenix, the Yellow River, Hennessy, Hu Yaobang, Minhua more than 30 large-scale furniture Group and supporting enterprises have settled in Jiangsu the Pizhou Industrial City, there are more than 40 are under negotiation, where more than half of enterprises from Guangdong.

Intermediary organizations matchmaking

Back in September 2008, the Dongguan Furniture Association's five member companies jointly invested two billion yuan in the construction of Mudanjiang East Mu Wood Industry Co., Ltd., started trial production, the annual production capacity of forty thousand cubic meters of furniture parts and timber, furniture sheet 40,000 cubic meters of sheet metal and furniture products are mainly exported to the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and timber for export.

May 22, 2009, in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province CPPCC Chairman Liu Shuji, Dongguan City Vice Mayor Tang Chi Kwong the rate Dongguan Shijingmaoju and more than 200 furniture entrepreneur charter to Han, contributed to the overall Dongguan furniture settled in the Chinese furniture CBD International Wholesale City (C Building) the Dongguan Furniture Museum.

June 27, 2009, Dongguan, Guangdong Party Secretary Liu Zhigeng Dongguan Furniture Association, Dongguan Famous Furniture Club the Dalingshan Furniture Association, more than 300 member units arrived again Hubei, China Furniture CBD signed a total amount of more than 7.5 billion yuan again cooperation agreement.

Settled Chinese furniture CBD in less than three months from Dongguan furniture industry as a whole, in late August 2009, Shenzhen Furniture Association, signed on behalf of the city's furniture industry with Chinese furniture CBD overall agreement settled.

October 29, 2010, Chinese furniture CBD, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shenzhen International Furniture Museum held a grand opening ceremony in the Chinese furniture CBD. Hong Kong Furniture Association, the the Taiwan Furniture Association and the Shenzhen Furniture Trade Association rate hundreds of furniture companies officially arrived in the Chinese furniture CBD.

In recent years, the Southern furniture in the attack on the northern market moves frequently, associations, chambers of commerce and other intermediary organizations, led by: Union, led furniture market brand in Hong Kong, Hong Kong furniture held in Beijing Easyhome " Week "; same brand alliance, Dongguan furniture companies recently won a large store in Hefei; established the call of the Guangdong Furniture Association, Guangdong Furniture Beijing headquarters base, nearly more than 40 Southern furniture brands announced The high-profile entry into the Beijing market.

Government policy to fan the flames

Governments at all levels have also fueled the the South owned northward movement of the furniture industry at the policy level. July 23, 2007, the Ministry of Commerce and General Administration of Customs jointly issued the "new batch processing trade restricted directory" announced a total of 1853, ten of heading the labor-intensive industries, including furniture, merchandise classified processing trade restricted, and implement the bank deposit ledger real change management. It is worth noting that the differential policies of the restricted processing trade of commodity policy adjustments of the eastern and central and western regions. The central and western regions of the processing trade enterprises, not subject to the restrictions directory impact. Obvious policy-oriented countries encouraged to undertake the transfer of processing trade in the eastern region of the Midwest.

Shenzhen Municipal Government is closely around the overall goal of building an international city, and further optimize the industrial structure, vigorously develop high-tech industries, effectively speeding up of modern logistics, finance, and the development of cultural industries, to encourage low consumption, high efficiency industrial development in order to enhance the industrial efficiency. Thus, played a tremendous role in the initial stage of construction of the Shenzhen labor-intensive enterprises, such as the furniture industry is gradually fade out the stage in Shenzhen. "With Shenzhen's industrial upgrading, labor-intensive enterprises are gradually exit, the future development of the furniture business go from here? Has become every business owner must pay attention and think." Shenzhen Gold Phoenix Furniture Group Chairman Wang Jinfeng said. This incited moved north to the representatives of the furniture industry in Shenzhen Golden Phoenix has become the key factors.

In order shall the move northward enthusiasm and furniture companies in Hong Kong, Guangdong, Jiangsu Pizhou more open warm arms. It is reported that, in the next 2-3 years, Pizhou will build a set of furniture headquarters theme of international R & D centers, furniture manufacturing, logistics, customs, material market, the convention center, as well as related administrative support for the integration of large industrial town, the current investment is expected to reach 50 million yuan. Northeast Asia & Bohai economic circle the establishment of cooperation mechanisms for the development of the northern furniture industry brings opportunities, transfer of Southern furniture has become a bottomland. In addition, local governments in Hebei, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Henan, Fujian, Shandong, northeast of its own characteristics, and actively cooperate with Guangdong, home prices north drift from all aspects.

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