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China's foreign trade situation is grim furniture industry is also difficult to be immune to this
RenHui [Addtime:2012/8/20   ] Read:1383 Times  【 Fontsize:L M S

Continue to be engulfed in the haze of the global economic downturn, China's foreign trade situation is grim, the furniture industry has not been spared. The 110th session of the Canton Fair two end on October 27. By external demand weakness, technical barriers, rising costs, employment difficulties, exchange rate fluctuations superimposed multiple adverse factors affect the living environment of Chinese furniture export enterprises are actively seeking transformation and upgrading in order to break through, facing internal and external ".

Foreign cautious orders abatement

In the 110th Canton Fair, the generally cautious on foreign next single problem. Exports of furniture industry is highly seasonal, autumn and winter season for the season, but reflect the merchants of the United States, Europe and other places, last year purchased product there is a lot of inventory, and the orders of the trade fair will be reduced by two to three percent. However, the overall situation is still relatively good, but not ideal number of orders in Europe, which may have a direct relationship with the European debt crisis. Orders from European countries less some, but exported to other countries is still relatively optimistic. '

Even currently subject to a variety of negative factors, China's furniture exports in world furniture trade still accounted for nearly 3 percent share. According to Customs statistics show that from January to September this year, China's furniture and parts exports totaled 26.998 billion U.S. dollars, the cumulative increase of 13.7% over the same period last year.

The ultra-budget high-end furniture cold case

Welcomed by the European and American buyers of high-end furniture has also been cold treat. The main reason is the high-grade furniture, the price is too high, far beyond the budget of the buyers. Fair came to discuss the European and American customers compared to the past, a lot less, and even some European merchants also made the first samples back its domestic marketing see marketing effect to decide whether to order this case in the past The Canton Fair is rare. "However, there are many enterprises for the transformation of the" taste "of the European and American buyers, a corresponding adjustment to obtain good effect.

Hidden "technical barriers" out of the way

Since July of this year, imports of wood products formaldehyde limit standard American composite wood products formaldehyde Standards Act greatly improved, stringent new high; while the EU country of origin labeling law will also be entered into force in 2013 . Many Chinese furniture exporters said that these hidden "technical barriers" direct push up production costs and testing costs, extended the opening hours of the ports in the importing country, the encroachment of corporate profits is inevitable.

Change of mindset promoting transformation

Due to rising production costs, foreign markets tightening, many furniture production and sales enterprises have to select the transformation and upgrading of the furniture production enterprises by export sales to domestic sales and production focus from previous roughing creativity, research and development, brand The direction taken three long strides to achieve rapid development.

Since the world financial crisis, the industry's traditional export markets of Europe and the United States and other furniture to be a significant impact serious shrinking orders from the international market; Mainland China's raw materials, labor costs are rising, the appreciation of the yuan further squeeze many PRD furniture industry production profits. Mainland unprecedented stringent market regulation policies also began to affect the domestic furniture industry. From the current situation, the next six months, nearly 30 years of rapid development of the Mainland furniture industry will experience a short-term "winter", and many furniture production and sales enterprises should pay close attention to research and development of this process, focusing on environmental protection efforts to the product structure of the furniture industry, the quality of the goods on a higher level. Furniture production enterprise responsible for speaking on condition of anonymity, said.

The Fair furniture Pavilion, the reporter found that many furniture manufacturers are beginning to focus on the shaping of their own brands, many of the company's products also show new ideas from the home. Enterprises in order to make the transformation and upgrading, change of mindset is very important, our production of furniture products not copy the imitation of foreign, but has its own unique positioning, and the production of creative goods in conjunction with their own positioning and brand characteristics. Focus on the creative development of the brand, in order to become a successful transformation of the winner.

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